Volunteer Registrations are OPEN

We are happy to announce that you can now join our team as a volunteer and be part of an amazing experience.
L'Etape by Tour de France is a series of amateur cycling events promoting the Tour de France legend. Cycling enthusiasts are welcome at the start whether they are amateurs or professionals.
The event is organized in European countries as well as in Australia, China, Asia, Mexico, USA and South America. This year, Romania will host the second edition of this event, which will take place on August 27, in Bucharest, starting from the Constitution Square.
The event cannot be implemented without the help of volunteers. To participate in the volunteer team of L'Etape Romania by Tour de France you can apply here: https://form.typeform.com/to/t1U32OOf
We are looking for volunteers to secure the routes, make and distribute competition packages, support information points for participants and spectators, service the cloakroom area, feed points, official parking and welcome participants at the finish (medal awarding). Join our team as a volunteer and you will receive a special kit with the event t-shirt, products from sponsors and fabulous memories.
Full information about the event is available on the Volunteer Portal: https://sportya.notion.site/PORTALUL-VOLUNTARILOR-L-Etape-Romania-2023-by-Tour-de-France-daf177fd098c47f0887416d4c296fea0?pvs=4